Saturday, October 24, 2009

The rainy season

It is the rainy season - or their winter - now. It typically is from oct - dec. They have some MAJOR rainstorms - complete with thunder and lightning. Most of the storms have been at night. But yesterday, M D and I got a spectacular hour of storm watching just before the sunset. It was a quick storm, so we got to watch it come in and leave again. Tons of thunder, lightning and rain. Boy can it not just downpour rain here! There are all types - sprinkling, spitting, rain for 5 minutes or rain for a few hours. It typically does not last for too long and then everything dries up within an hour or so. It is quite miraculous! The people describe the storms as "mucho agua". I tried to sequence the photos in order of the storm for you.

1 comment:

  1. Love the Rumi quote- just what I needed to read tonight! Sweet to hear about a culture of caring kids- hope you bring some of that back with you! Great pictures. I miss you Laura, I picked up the phone at work the other day to call you about a kid, then remembered that you were gone. I love reading about your experiences and can't wait to have you back!
