Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The 3 Cousins

Okay so I think I have it figured out. There are 3 cousins in the camelid family: llama, alpaca and vincuna. All three are native and wild here. The llamas and alpacas are also farmed for their wool and meat. The vincunas are the easiest to differentiate and can be seen in the lower 2 pictures with the desert background. They are much skinnier, have longer necks and do not have as much wool. The alpacas which are pictured in the upper 2 pictures tend to be shorter in stature, have more colors in their fur - especially brown, and have shorter necks. Their ears also tend to go up and back at an angle as opposed to the llamas ears which stick straight up. I will try to get a picture of a llama as well to compare all 3.

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