Sunday, March 21, 2010


They are trying to make a home inside but the rangers will not let them.

Dylan, Yuuko and I took a boat ride on the Magellan Strait. It was huge!!! I could always see land on the west side of the boat but not consistently to the east. I learned that before the Panama Canal was constructed, this strait was used as the main thoroughfare between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
From Punta Arenas, we rode the boat north for about 2 hours to Isla Magdalena which is the home to up to 170,000 Magdalena penguins. At the beginning of Fall (in the southern hemisphere), there were only about 20,000 because the rest have already migrated north with their end destination being Brazil. It was still incredible to watch and see them a foot away from me. They dig holes or burrows in the ground to protect themselves from the elements and the wind. Boy it sure was gusty. I could lean into the wind with all my weight for a minute or two without tipping over.
On the way back, we saw dolphins swimming and jumping alongside the boat. What a treat!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are beautiful Laura. I LOVE the one of the rainbow especially. Miss you!
