Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bus Ride

The bus ride from Medellin to Cartagena took about 13 hours. The roads were fairly windy and small. We rode at night so it was difficult to see out and all the landscape. I am hoping to ride back during the day so I can see this beautiful countryside.

I got to the bus terminal 3 ½ hours early so I got a chance to people watch, explore and journal. In my journal, I was describing some of the differences between the people of our country and here. I have noticed that I hardly see anyone reading. In the whole 3 ½ hours, I saw one other person reading. On the Metro, I have seen very few people reading. In the States - at airports, on subways, I always see people reading and/or on their laptops. I think it is rare not to see people doing something. But here people are talking, sharing and connecting with one another which is very different for people in the states. As I was writing these thoughts down, a woman comes over and starts talking to me. We have a conversation for about ½ hour until I have to leave for my bus. I could actually carry on a conversation for about half an hour, granted it was all basic questions but I still can do it. The woman, who also is a teacher, was very encouraging and reminded me that I was speaking and having a conversation in Spanish. It was cute :-)

Luckily the seats are super comfortable with some nice foot, more accurately calf rests. There was no lights on the bus so when lights were out, lights were out. It was a full bus which is how transportation works down here. Buses, collectivos etc leave when the vehicle is full - not when the clock says. One gets on the bus in the front, like our buses and walks back. But what is different is that before you get to the first row of seats, there is a divider/door which when the bus is moving is closed. This forms a full wall from top to bottom so the passengers can not see out the front and really can not access the driver.

The bus had the air conditioning running full blast all night long. Luckily I had read bout this previously and had brought my sleeping bag. Unfortunately not everyone knew this, so there were some very cold people. I had my fleece and my bag and when I heated up, I lent my fleece to the girl sitting next to me so at least she could stop shivering.

I learned that I want to get my seat assignment, if possible, ahead of time. The bus had one TV and it was up front. I was in the third row and found it difficult not to watch and/or hear it. They showed 3 movies during the ride. They were very graphic, violent and in my view DEFINITELY NOT suited for children. I happened to be sitting around about 5 children all under the age of 10. Gosh did I feel uncomfortable. One of the movies was about a child pornography ring and how children were taken from their families or tricked into believing they were going to be a model but instead pimped out to be prostitutes. It was awful!! Finally I said something to the conductor who came back out of the booth and was watching the film and the lady between us said it’s just a movie. I was aghast. So next time, I want to get a seat towards the back so I do not have to watch these movies again. Some things are very different.

1 comment:

  1. Laura, I LOVE your observation about people talking to each other instead of reading while waiting for a bus. I just might try that next time I'm waiting somewhere! Thanks for answering Kaycee's questions, Love the pictures!
