Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Cracks me up!! It finally rains here (from the sky, not just moisture pouring out and dripping down my back and all over my largest organ) - rains for 10 - 15 minutes. I WAS PSCYHED. Finally a reprieve from the heat or at least I thought at the time. The first 5 minutes was a light sprinkle and the next 10 minutes or so, it rained fairly hard. Nothing torrential or anything but…… in that amount of time - the narrow streets flooded with water reaching both sidewalks, the roof leaked in the school and the open break area in the school flooded. The pictures below show the wave in the street after a car drove by (I tried to get a photo of the water splashing on the tires but unfortunately the photo was not clear) and the water flowing into the drain in the school. Luckily there is a drain in the corner of the floor so all the rainwater had a place to go. The rain stopped and within 15 - 20 minutes, things dried up and we were back to sweating.

I told a couple of germans that in Eugene it can rain for 5 - 6 hours and it never floods. They were aghast and surprised. Luckily I did not tell him that not only does it rain for 5 - 6 hours in a row but it can rain for 5 - 6 days straight!

I also added a photo of how coffee or tinto is sold down here. Unfortunately, you do not get a good idea of the little plastic shot glasses everyone drinks their tinto in. They are similar in size to the little cups that salad dressing is served in at restaurants.

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