Saturday, October 24, 2009

Part of a community

It is so darn relaxing and peaceful here in Girardota. I feel so lucky to be in this wonderful place! I love having banana, orange and mandarin trees on the property. We get to have fresh fruit and juice almost daily :-) M, D and I see new and different bugs almost daily - beetles, moths, grasshoppers, larvae, ants, crickets etc. There are so many different birds and flora/fauna here it is incredible! Hummingbirds of all sizes and a variety of colors but mostly green, butterflies that are yellow, orange, blue, red, black, white, brown and combinations of the previously mentioned colors. Yes I know I am in the tropics but it is still quite amazing.

My walk takes about 20 - 25 minutes down to the school and 40 minutes to an hour back up depending on whether I spend time admiring the views and animals along the way and/or stop and talk with people. Most of these pictures are taken from my walk down to town. I have a few regular stops where people talk with me and offer me some treats. Have I told you how friendly and sweet people are here??!!! It's great practice for me to have conversations and I love having the time to be able to stop and spend some time with different folks. In the states, I was always so busy - going between one activity to the next that I only would have 5 or 10 minutes to stop and talk with my neighbors. Now at least my only time constraint is being home by 6pm - the time it gets dark. It is light at 5:30 - 6 am and gets dark by 6pm year round. They do not observe daylights savings time.

I love how they make a road on the driveways or the road leading up to many houses around here. Some of the road is dirt, some of it rock and some of it is has concrete section. I got to watch as they made a portion of it whem I first arrived. They use concrete, rock and some gravel/sand and mix it up and make the 2 lanes for the tires. After they pour it and when it is still wet, they hand press a metal pipe into the road to form the grooves which helps with traction and water run off.

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