Friday, November 27, 2009


Hey all - I hope you all know I am writing this blog with as much accuracy as I can muster and as much information that I understand. I know I am learning a new language and sometimes do not hear the information accurately. So please do not hold everything I write as pure fact. I write this because Marcela emailed me and was upset at what I had written about President Uribe. Now most of what I heard from a variety of Colombians is that they are very thankful that Uribe has been in power and that their lives and the peace in the country has improved vastly since he has been in power. So I am sorry if my words were taken any other way.

Here is what she wrote so you all have a little more accurate information: "I am not comfortable with your comment about President Uribe. "I understood that these were not the FARC but guerillas hired by Uribe (Colombian president) to help combat the FARC."It seems I did not expressed myself clearly. Once I read on a web page that after his father was killed (before his presidency) by the FARC (= guerrillas), Uribe (who was not president at the time) and other people created a group, to protect themselves. I am not sure if this is true. If it were, and according to other reports I have heard or read, the group turned into another group of people that started to take abusive advantage of the political situation between, government, guerrilla, and citizens. Uribe's goal was not this. President Uribe has almost dismantled this group, giving them the chance to return to society and turn in their arms. They have been sentenced for their illegal acts. May I ask you to remove this comment "I understood that these were not the FARC but guerillas hired by Uribe(Colombian president) to help combat the FARC."If you look in the Internet you will find thousands of positive and negative comments about President Uribe. Personally, I am very grateful with President Uribe and all the positive change he has brought to Colombia. There is a lot to do still, but with him, I have seen the most future for this country that I ever thought could happen.

1 comment:

  1. Hola Laura,

    Muchos dias sin saber nada de Ecuador.

    If I were upset at somebody for your comment it would have to be myself. I felt uncomfortable about it, because I only read the information on the Internet. I cannot say that this information is accurate as much as I can say that President Uribe has been a positive change for the country because I have seen it, felt it and I am living it.

    Our friends from Germany were here. They are already on their way to Ecuador. Don Delio te manda saludes.

    Saludos y feliz 7 de diciembre.
