Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lasting Impressions

Colombia - aaahhhhh - quite the country! I fell in love - with the people and the land.

The people are sooooo generous, open, giving and full of love. They also have an amazing pride - a heart felt pride. I have heard comparisons of Colombians and Texans. I think the Colombian pride is so much softer and full of heart than the Texan pride which seems to think they are better than everyone else (for any Texans reading this, sorry but I am sure it will roll right off your back). I love how much the Colombians love and respond to music. One day at school, we watched an american movie, Matilda, and when a song came on in the movie, all the children started clapping to the beat and swaying in their seats.

One of my young friends here, Katherine who is 9 years old, taught me a song about Colombia and it is sung to the tune of Oh My Darling Clementine. The lyrics in Spanish are La bandera de Colombia es muy linda si senor/ ella tiene 3 colores y por eso es tricolor/ amarillo es el oro el azul el ancho mar/ y el rojo es la sangre que nos dio la libertad. In English, the flag of Colombia is very pretty sir. It has 3 colors and for this it’s tricolor. Yellow is for the gold, blue is for the wide, vast sea and red is for the blood we gave for our freedom.

There is soooooo much open land here. I can not believe how much beautiful countryside there is. Hours and hours of green, lush mountains north and south of Medellin. The highest peak in Colombia is 5330 meters (roughly 15 - 16,000 feet). I only can hope the rest of the Andes are as beautiful. I really am thankful I rode the bus for 11 hours north and 11 hours south of Medellin through this incredible mountain range.

I added a picture of a collectivo. This land cruiser is considered full when 10 people are inside - 8 in the back and 2 up front. Don't forget to add the driver for a total of 11. When it is full, it will leave the station and sometimes will pick some people up on the way. They will stand on the bumper and hold onto the rack on top. South American transportation - at least it conserves on fuel as much as possible!

I want to thank Marcela & Dieter, Alba, Martha and her amazing family, don Alfonso & Martha and Sebastian, Mary Eugenia, Katherine and her mom Lucia, Leslie, Anna, all the kiddos in M & D´s english classes, all the kiddos at the school and Dellio for making my visit so wonderful!

Colombia - The only risk is wanting to stay!

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