Friday, November 27, 2009

Life with an Otavalo Family

Life has been fun with my family - Marisol (mom), German (dad), Andres (14 year old), Germanito (7 year old), Maria Paz (3 year old) and Muñeca the new puppy. Marisol is an excellent cook and is incredible. She is strong, open, bright and does an amazing job juggling taking care of her kids, and all the students she has from all over the world.
We had three birthday celebrations while I was here - one for German, one for Germanito and one for a nephew. The traditional Happy Birthday song is sung in english here as well in Germany/Austria. (I found this out from Martin who was visiting the family and who went to the same language school as I am but 6 years ago.) Plus they sing another song in spanish. I am sorry I did not get the words. maybe another time. They also have cake with candles and after they blow out the candles someone from behind pushes their face into the cake. You can see their nephew after this happened to him. Their birthdays here are different in that I did not see any birthday presents being given. On Germanito´s birthday, he got to choose the activity of the day so we all went to the pool. On German´s birthday we had a yummy dinner. I like it!

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